Roberts Wesleyan University Free Methodist Scholarship

Deadline Varies
Awards Available: Varies

Scholarship Description

We believe that a Roberts education is an investment in your future. Because we have confidence in the transformative experience students have here, we offer many grants and scholarships to help them afford college. We want to make private college accessible and affordable for families. Roberts Wesleyan University offers numerous types of financial aid. Merit scholarships are given based on artistic ability, special interests, involvement in clubs or organizations, or other recognitions.

There are a variety of scholarships we provide based on merit. These will be reflected in your final award letter. Students admitted to Roberts Wesleyan College who are active members in a Free Methodist Church are eligible for the Free Methodist Scholarship. At Roberts Wesleyan University, we are committed to giving you a head start in earning income and achieving your personal goals by helping you graduate in four years. Scholarship Search